Every day a lot of parents ask them self this question, right? When is the right or earliest age to buy a smartphone for our kids? And, is it really a right or wrong answer?
But, we think this survey is quite nice. It shows at least what other parents in US thinks about it:

70% of parents feel that it is not appropriate to buy a smartphone for a child under the age 13.
- 78% of parents are at least somewhat concerned about their child being able to reach them if they needed to 19% are very concerned.
The survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of Evado Filip among 2,893 adults ages 18 and older, of which 384 are parents of children age 6-12. The results of this survey were weighted for age, sex, education, geographic region and race where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the U.S. population. We have found the survey published online and re-published the numbers in another layout.